Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring's Last Fling

The Golden Thread of Spring's Lessons~O Ladies + Gents, what I want to say to you has me smiling ear to ear as the season of the liver  (Spring), comes to a quiet close, shhh ou dear ones and get this.  First, on shushing; it has been said that Listen + Silent are spelled with the same letters.  Thankfully God created us with one mouth and 2 ears in all of his wisdom, but more on that and meditation for another lesson. SETE...

ANATOMY - READY...Set... Here we gooo....Hang on now... We may be under false assumptions (oh please do not assume anything (Toltec Lesson)), that we think from our head(s) lord another lol. Seriously, friends, according to ancient Chinese text, the activity of thought is attributed to our LIVERS and not necessarily the head!!!  Remember, March's lesson wherein the sense organ of springtime is the eyes. 
Well, the eyes open to the liver (not just as~"mirror to our souls")!!! Therefore, we are perceiving our universe through our eyes, sending our impressions and ideas to our livers.  Let us recap the work we've done in releasing the negative 'personality' of the liver, letting go of anger, or the frustrations of living in the past with foods, sounds (shh) and movements. As we addressed the livers needs, through balancing and nourishing, it can now express creativity and realization, as it picks up impressions received from our eyes.  Acting as a CPU unit, the brain stores the thoughts and images RECEIVED THROUGH THE EYES WHICH OPEN TO THE LIVER. If we agree with this premise, one may consider the idea that our head is not the originator of our thoughts. Just saying, things that make me go Hmmm 
Shhh ou...

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