Saturday, May 31, 2014


* COURAGE ~ The Root word  COR is Latin for HEARTCourage to face each day w/ enthusiasm
ENTHUSIASM ~ INSPIRED BY GOD WITHIN~ Greek is ENTHEOS meaning ~ IN THE EYES, or POSSESSED BY GOD ~~ or as ancient Orphic + Plato used ~ EN + THEOS meaning HAVING GOD WITHIN! There is nothing in our closet that can dress us daily, as our SMILES. Be it a 'half hearted' whimpering whisper, of a smile, we must go on.  Each time we lift up the corners of our mouths, Courage is thereCourage to find Purpose w/the promise of each new days golden light.  Facing my fears (acronym for "False Evidence Appearing Real"), has this Heart Beating stronger. 

As the Early Summer's Element is FIRE, the CHINESE Classifications are Repesented By:
 THE HEART with body fluid SWEAT, SENSE OF SPEECH, ELEMENT OF FIRE, HEAT, COLOR RED FOODS AND BITTER TASTE.  Being mindful of Enviromental Heat as well as Heated words is advisable as all "Heat" is bad for the Heart.  A favorite "cooling" Flower Essence BORAGE is used for the 'HEAVY-HEARTED!' The 'BORAGO" plant was once called "CORAGO,"for COURAGE, can help develop a LIGHT-HEARTED BUOYANCY OF OPTIMISM OF THE HEART. 

"CONTENTMENT EXPRESSES GENTLENESS." Keeping your thoughts STEADFASTLY ON THE GOOD!  Knowing 'Love LIVES ON', for LOVE can not be Destroyed! * ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDEThankfulness for the expansion that LOVE ONCE SHARED allowed!
With Heartfelt Gratitude for the LESSONS your relationships had to offer, as we willing expand beyond what was before.  Embracing All that Was, All that Is and All that Will Bee, as we bravely remember "HOPE IS NEAR and LOVE IS PRESENT, " Evermore and Evermore...
"FOR LOVE LOVED" and therefore We Are
and in my book there is only one LAW TO ABIDE BY + that is -
<3 cas

Friday, May 30, 2014


HUMANITIES 101~June, is named for the Goddess of Marriage + Relationships, Juno, (Jupiter!)  "Tis Better To Have Loved + Lost than never to have Loved at All." ~ Lord Tennyson.  I would be remiss, if this first month of a new Season, did not address a less spoken Truth.  It matters not our rank or culture, race or creed, we will all experience Loss. Loss through life's movements, separations, mis-alignments, growth changes, divorce or death, is sadly, an inevitable experience we shall all share. On a personal Heartfelt note, I found that:

*HUNA'S focus on FORGIVENESS ~ was one of the first and fastest approaches to my Healing. Forgiveness of others + even harder ourselves, is a Transforming Tool Dissolving Emotions held within the Pain Body. Huna's Sound of "Haa" is expressed on exhalation, and helps direct energy in a focused manner, to Cleanse, Clear, Center and ReAlign. Sound familiar? As In the Sound of 'LIGHT HEARTED LAUGHTER ' ... Ha Ha Ha  ~~Just Exhale Haaaaa....

* ACCEPTANCE + ALLOWANCE ~ gentled my spirit towards SURRENDER, building my trust in "Let Thy Will Be Done." Prayer + Meditation was Key to feeling the comfort of Being Connected.  Long Walks in Nature served as a communion, w/ 'All That Is', as gifted from our Creator through GAIA, grounding  us in the"Here + Now"+ Reminding us that we are,"Spiritual Beings having  a Human Experience!"

* RELEASE ~ Truly ..."Let Go + Let God!" Freeing another as well as yourself by releasing one another for THAT WHICH SERVES THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL. A Course In Miracles presents the idea, of our mis-steps, as a Study in Contrast! Sometimes we need to experience "what doesn't work!"   BLESSING IT + LETTING IT GO,  'empties your vessel', allowing space for DIVINE PRESENCE WITHIN. "Less of me and more of Him." 0;-)
<3 cas