Monday, September 7, 2020

The Nirvana of chili peppers!

 The Nirvana of chili peppers!  Thyme travel 101 chili peppers! Perhaps the origins of “If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen!”  Some say in the tropics chili’s are eaten to induce sweating to cool the body down! Some say the antimicrobial properties of spices may help preserve or help cover up spoiled meats and flavor foods using spices in the old world! Think ketchup the Chinese word ke-tsiap, a pickled fish sauce Old World used to mask bad meats! Think Heinz when in 1812 the first recipe using the Italians “love apples” came to the tables rescue before Refrigerators. 

Fast forward 1868 in Louisiana A food lover and avid gardener, Edmund McIlhenny was given  Fruit seeds Capsicum peppers that had come from Mexico! Voila a food culture was born in New Orleans. He labeled it “Tabasco,” a word of Mexican Indian origin believed to mean “place where the soil is humid” A TIMELESS TASTE in a timeless cologne-type bottle remains. 

Fast forward to the Age of Aquarius and the Nirvana that can be experience with the complex Scoville heat units. A global industry has been built upon this fruit, like none other. There are countless uses, forms, applications, food cultures, paste, oils, and rubs at our finger tips! Though in my kitchen I like the dried “sprinkle” power of chili flakes for the “sparkle” and control of this fire! My Super Chili is known for its beauty and its spicy Beastly ways! 

We can thank Mexico and Columbus for the chili pepper spread to Europe, Africa and Asia. Known as the Columbian Exchange, the migration of people from the Old World to the New world included chili peppers along with chocolate,  corn, tomato,  potato, and spices!  Very nice as long as you don’t “hurt so good yourself” 🌶




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Sunday, September 6, 2020

What grows together, goes together

What Grows Together, Goes Together! As Purrfect pairings in companion planting along with pairings on the plate. Malabar or Vietnamese spinach and the Super Chili known for its beauty along with its spicy Beastly ways. What more amour can we bring to the table than Basil’s  love affair with tomato as a companion in the garden and on the plate! 🌶 bon appétit 🌶


