Sunday, August 16, 2020

Comfort foods in Uncomfortable Thymes!

Comfort foods in Uncomfortable 

Thymes! My go to Summertime 

Activities ~ pickling, fermenting and quick pickles give me a sense of normalcy .... 🙏 

Most American knows the Italian immigrates taught us how to eat;) This post is brought to you by my daily love of fermented foods as Original Medicine would have us consume and GIARDINIERA the (ITALIAN PICKLED VEGETABLES) 

WHAT IS GIARDINIERA? Giardiniera means “from the garden” in Italian. This concept credited here has long history in Italy. Though in my writing the point is often made that all of humanity depended upon fermented foods across the lands and culture. It was the way of the land before we plunged into refrigerators and lost this valuable nutrient based daily biome or Probiotics or Flora! 

The possibilities are limited only by your imagination, garden and pantry! Fresh vegetables and herbs and spices are brined and pickled in marinades as a way of preserving it for the winter blues! You may want to double your batch for this is diversity in a jar. Use as a relish, condiment, sandwich, salad or pizza topper. My home favorite is a picnic style antipasto platter 


