Friday, December 25, 2015

"Digging Out"

2014-05-19 15.24.17 - Copy (2)"Weather or Knot" you are "diggin Out" or day dreaming of snow daze of the past as a snow bird, this post is for you. Another reason for this season is cuddle time as family huddle together. We may not be able to beat the cold, but we sure can side step catching the cold, using Mother Earth's pantry.
This week's nor'easter, demonstrated the power of old man winter's winds. These frosty winds not only nip us in the nose, but dries them out as well. Dry skin or chapped lips serve as a warning that your mucus membranes, protecting your respiratory system, are parched as well. Wellness begins with hydration at all levels.
We need to protect our hOMes and loved ones, when these indicator lights come on that water is needed. Before this last decade of Spa Like Home treatments, those of us on the pioneering path of holistic living, found creative ways to enhance our Hearths. Working in the Alternative Health Field, for nearly 40 years now, you can well imagine the many creative ways I found to raise my family of four. I am thrilled for my "108" daughters, as I see homes being set up with the  "latest and greatest" being unwrapped at bridal, house warming and baby showers. By all means, pull out those Spa Vaporizers and plug them in with some of these suggestions. And for those who may still have such items of their wish list, I will end this blog with some of my creative tricks, as a young healer and mom thirty years ago.
Even if your medicine cupboard does not yet reflect Earth's cornucopia of choices, the fact remains, simply add water. For decades, my hOMe had a dedicated simmering pot, used for essential oils only.  Often in that pot organic apple cider vinegar, (ACV) would be added. ACV acts as antiseptic, aids in reducing inflammation, stymies the growth of bacteria and corrects the balance of alkaline and acid levels. As an inhalant, it has been used for centuries to soothe mucus membranes as the steam rises. Pots are always removed from the heat, as a towel create a tent, and eyes are closed, for this effective simple, ancient traditional cure.
It stands to reason, that this season finds us serving up comfort in a mug as we stir hot cocoa and mulling ciders. Curiouser and curiouser I find that the same warming spices found in our mugs, are good for the immune system too. Original Medicine, as we like to call it found cinnamon, clove, and wild orange peel in many protective formulas. Though the name has changed, the basis of Thieves Oil or Marseillies Vinegar, Four Thieves, Robbers Oil, Essential Shield, or doTERRA's On Guard, call them what you will, it is evidence of the return to Ancient Wisdom. Though many tout these ways as the "latest and greatest' I say Yay, for this revival.
Here is a list of Some of my favorite ingredients found commonly in these ancient immune protecting formula's. They can be used in blends or separately:
Cinnamon, Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Peppermint, Rosemary,  and Wild Orange are included in most versions.  
Here are some old school ways of utilizing mundane ways of everyday living, while heightening a Zen like awareness. The next time you find yourself splish-splashing your way in washing away the day's cares, do not pull the plug.  Allow the tub full of water to remain, add some fresh oils and turn on the fan's blower, to add humidity to the rest of your hearth.
I bid you a fond Brrrr and Namaste'
cas rose garden pic
Click here for more info on doTERRA

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