Sunday, June 26, 2016


DailyPost promt Fence 6/26/2016

As we walked Robert Frost's farm I had a profound sense of connection to the beauty of mother nature. 

I could see by today's standard measurement of success, that this humble farm could be mistaken as "unsuccessful" due to its simplicity.
Even at the turn of the century, Frost's success was questionable in the 1900's when he turned to farming in NH, turning his gaze to nature.
His epic poem, "Mending Fences," never came to mind as we walked the parameter of his beautiful property.

One could imagine a white picket fence, due to the serene  setting and peace that surrounded you.
No fence, no boundaries were visible, as peace united flora and fauna.
The constant babbling of the brook's song to the dandelion's wishes, freed on the breeze.
This progressive thinker could not convince his neighbor that the Stonewall was not needed to keep the Pine-tree's away from the cows or the cows from eating his trees.
Robert Frost writings often reflects his fondness of this decade filled  with the simplest of times.
His subsequent writings remind us all to be content, rest and enJOY our simple times.
They just may contain the proverbial white picket fence surrounding your home and family seen or unseen. "There is no fence" that can contain happiness.
-"Simply Cathryn"

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