The Hermetic Philosophy is …
“As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.”
This philosophy dates back as early as the first century A.D., withstanding the test of time, for it is still relevant today.
In my dedicated 44 years of whole hearted service to wellness, you can well imagine the many tools in my tool box! For, I dwell deeply in the Ancients Ways our Ancestors cared for their families, globally.
Please excuse a soap box moment that has bubbled up within my work for decades now with this question to ponder. What is the oldest form of holistic approaches or natural medicine you may ask? Let us start with what some may say has turned into our
‘new four letter words’ our current
three letter agencies:
-AMA founded 1847 (176 years)
-CDC founded in 1901 (122 years)
-FDA founded in 1906 (117 years)
All less than 176 years old many with “stakeholders” through inception.
Compared to the Bible’s mention of herbs and foods for well being.
Or India’s Science of Life known
as Ayurveda and
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
both principles are several thousand years old. Globally, Indigenous people throughout mankind’s history have drawn upon the wisdom of Flora’s gift to their medicine cupboards. This natural law of order can not be replicated or improved upon! For it is as Organic as we are! Naturally!
I ask you, how in the world can concepts and practices that have withstood the test of time, for millenniums; now be labeled CAM?
Complementary Alternate Medicine (CAM)! This is what I call Original Medicine, which is of the earth, and part of Nature just as we are naturally!
End read, as I have learned the slippery nature of a soap box, I gingerly step off!
As an Herbalist, I have studied, worked with and taught:
Chakra Systems, TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, FLOWER ESSENCE aka FES, Gems and Stone signature, Herbology, Homeopathy, Reflexology, Nutrients as found in Vitamins and Minerals and Nutrition as in Food as Medicine. I have studied and practiced many disciplines such as Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini, Prana Yoga and mantra Seed Sounds. Along with T’ai Chi, QiGong and medical ChiGong. Behavioral Kinesiology, known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or “Tapping.” As well as my beloved Reiki and Totem. I have also stayed in awe and in wonderment and very curious to the beautiful diversity of the nature of Nature. Let us take a deeper look into one of the many modalities available to mankind, Homeopathy.
In order to understand homeopathy, you must realize the difference from conventional medicine, known as Allopathy. A Homeopathic‘s view of the Allopathic approach means ‘different from the suffering.’ Allopathic’s treatment with drugs are mostly, given to work against a disease and its symptoms ie ‘anti.’ Think anti-pain, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressants, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-gas etc. It’s all sow often against or anti-our holy whole Body:(
Consider my number one nutrient to teach folks about since my work began. I’ve been known to say “if you learn nothing else from me please learn to tend to your biome. To tend to your friendly flora, as if it’s a
‘Garden-of-Eaten’ ~ daily!”
Probiotic literally means
Pro = For + Biotic = Life
anti = against + biotic = life!
Things that make you go hmmm…
🙏 Hopefully 🙏
On the other hand, homeopathy means to treat ‘similar to suffering.’ It is well known and established that homeopathic remedies are highly diluted in their preparation with successions. It could be said that homeopathic remedies work at the level of energy, NOT OF MATTER! Working with and encouraging the body’s wisdom and innate resonance!
Homeopathy is quite the opposite of the allopathic approach, in that we try to understand what the symptom is telling us. At the same time addressing the person as a whole, helps to uncover the root cause. A key to this approach is that no two people suffer from the same dis-ease in the same way. We each have our own individual ways of reacting to the stresses of life, or exposures; that upset our ability to maintain our inner balance or harmony and therefore our Homeostasis!
Homeopathy matches a person according to the LAW of SIMILARS!
aka ‘Like cures like!’ In 1790 German
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann founded homeopathy on this principle. That the symptoms and signs of the illness are in fact attempts in part of the organism to heal itself. (ie. think fevers working to rid the body of a pathogen, or headache’s warning the body of an imbalance.)
Dr. Hahnemann’s beliefs and ideas are that a remedy should be used to stimulate the restorative forces of nature. Nature which we are part of! Remedies should and can be given without provoking harmful side effects.
Homeopathic remedies do not stimulate the bodies defense mechanism. He derived the word homeopathy from the Greek word, meaning
‘similar suffering’
(homois pathos).
Dr. Hahnemann very much believed in what is known as the body’s
‘Vital Force.’
Like most cultures through out humanities history, the notion that there is some sort of innate vital principle, which stimulates and regulates the human body systems.
Hippocrates wrote; “Through the like, disease is produced, and through the application of the like it is cured.” He also said, “Our natures are the physicians of our diseases.” That is why homeopathy takes in consideration the person as a whole body, mind and spirit.
Hippocrates moral code,
“First Do No Harm” really should be a part of the
Hippocratic Oath. What say ye?
Unlike allopathic remedies, Homeopathy is about WHY a remedy is given, not WHAT is given.
Hahnemanns’ conclusion is the foundation of Homeopathy, that when a substance capable of producing a similar symptom or signature to that of the disease. That substance is used to encourage the powerful strengthening of a God-given innate defense mechanism designed into the
human being.
With the correct remedy,
the WHYs are answered by
studying totality of the experience of each event of each persons’ bodily expressions of imbalance as well mindset and emotions! This can
only be achieved by looking at the full picture of dis-ease!
There are thousands of substances used to create homeopathic remedies, such as plants, minerals and venoms etc., all have an important place in the ‘Materia Medica!’
In this process, the selected substance is repeatedly diluted until the final product is chemically indistinguishable from the diluent. Only nano-doses of the original substance can be expected to remain in the product. In my four decades of study and use; I fondly teach that only the intrinsic energy signature is left!
Homeopathy uses the energy of a substances, rather than the chemical properties as allopathic ways do. A system had to be discovered that would release this vital energy and make it available for simulation into the body. This Homeopathic system is called Potentization.
This system of Potentization
is the result of Repeated dilution and vibration, also known as succession of the Mother tincture, until the material Content of the original remedy is diluted to a nano dose with the energy pattern remaining. This is true of EVERY homeopathic preparation!
If this sounds ‘all to far fetched,
far out, voodoo-ish, witchy, poppycock,
snake oil, new age flower child,
hippy girl-ish’ … well,
‘you catch my drift.’ Let me stir the inner observant Einstein in you with his conclusion. Einstein said,
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It could be no other way. This is not philosophy.
This is physics.“
Know Thy Self ~ "Water is a mirror reflecting our minds through emotions and thoughts.” We now know water has memory as well! Imagine that! Imagine the ramification of water’s memory … many have. Through
Dr. Masaru Emoto's beautiful,
must own books, reality is captured in water crystal and snowflake photography, that is awesome! Dr. Emoto calls this “Water Consciousness.” Water plays a vital role in Flower Essence production and Homeopathy. These processes utilize water’s inherent memory
that is associated with the mechanism of homeopathy. The power of water is embraced during the processing with mind bending results.
It has been said,
"It is better to know the patient
that has the dis-ease than the
disease the patient has."
Understanding the totality of the relationship of emotions, exposures, environment, daily habits and predispositions to the health of the body; as well the health of the psyche must be addressed! We hold a truth that genes do not necessarily create disease. A model of epigenetics suggest it maybe our internal and external environments that maybe signaling the gene to create dis-ease.
The Holiness of wholeness should be a foundation in caring for
and treating the body as a temple! Tapping into and respecting the body’s “Innate Healing Intelligence”
is a noble quest worth striving towards. Sadly, this is another major difference between the two approaches; that Homeopathy embraces.
The Art of Healing!
The Healing Arts!
Preventive medicine’s approach consists of measures taken, that prevent diseases. Our current conventional ways of the allopathic approach is treating symptoms, rather than addressing root causes and imbalances ie Dis-Ease! Dis-Ease vs At Ease in a state of balance known as Homeostasis. This steady and ready state of Homeostasis is the supreme example of the God given innate Body Wisdom, that man can not improve upon much less create! Humanities current embrace is to treat “symptoms” which fragments our bodies. That is to say we do not treat the whole of the human experience of body, mind and spirit. Not to mention the one size fits all mentality of writing prescriptions. Least we forget the reality of synthetic prescriptions created by of course, mimicking and even mocking natures cures. This is not health care, nor does it honor or even acknowledge the holy wholeness of our body temples. The time has come for the noble profession of healers to put down their pens. If we look towards the great writings of humanity as found in Bibles and our father of medicine Hippocrates, it is high time to relearn the gift of the ‘Garden of Eaten’ for “Food to be our medicine and our medicine to be our food.”
Albert Einstein also said “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Think of the lost Ancient Sounds of Healing Chants the Gregorian monks sang. So many modalities tap into frequencies. This is why the below petition to save Homeopathy from the FDA$’s self-appointed overreach is so important.
Alliance for Natural Health USA
94 Landfill Road, Edinburg, VA 22824
For more than 30 years ANH-USA has actively protected natural health. Please join our voices as we have been heard ~ impacting 248 Laws over the decades! Once again we need to raise our voices! This is a CURRENT battle Right Now! Again! FDA$ is flexing its last dying muscle. Over many attempts and decades the FDA$ failed to gain its’ self-appointed; over reaching authority to implement its anti-supplement policy! Why care? There is a difference between Health Care and Medical Care. You do realize FDA$ relies upon treating sick people rather than maintaining HEALthy folks!!
Et tu? Take a Stand!
For information and access to products I am including the link below. As a dedicated practicing Herbalist for over 40 years, Nature Sunshine remains my Tried, and True. Offering the finest, TCM, aromatherapy, herbal, nutritional, vitamins, minerals, proteins and flower essence products you can find. Nature Sunshine is North America’s FIRST and largest herbal manufacturer! After 50 years they still hold to the highest educational programs and high quality Standards.
For a deeper dive into my writing and/or ways consider my book reflecting 44 years of dedicated service in the healing arts. Written as a personal journal of your journey! Categorized as a Reference Book. Now Available in Hard Cover on Amazon or any Brick and Mortar Bookstore. This little gem went global all the way to India, on its’ 📚own merit 📚
We must Find + Stay Calm to Carry on
🙏 “God Bless Us, Everyone” 🙏
An apple a day, and now “The rest of the story.” The Medical Journal actually studied this. Here’s the results: “The study tells us that the ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ aphorism was coined in 1913 but was based on the original form with a different rhyme, some 149 years ago in Wales: ‘Eat an apple on going to bed and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread,’ went the proverb in Pembrokeshire. The daily apple eaters in the study were more likely to successfully avoid prescription medication than the people who did not eat apples.”
🍎 “How do you like them apples?” 🍏
“Will wonders cease to exist?”
🍏 🍎 🍏
Talk about Original Medicine
🍏Thyme to Upset the apple cart…🍎
That being said, here goes the dreaded and wretched Disclaimer! And I quote “Statements regarding dietary supplement meds, have not been evaluated by the FDA I am not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.”
Bonus clue ;)