Saturday, October 1, 2011


IT HAS BEEN SUNG, by a gnowing poet of 30 years, "The world according to Cathryn, has a view point of Ever More+ Ever More" It is sow Buck, and never more apparent than this season; known for it's Thinning of the Veil, allowing for FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness is the Truth behind TRICK or TREATS, soul cake anyone? has me sete.  

The Dedication to 9/11 found my lessons spinning in an unexpected direction. Now that I have learned to spell Obedient, I followed, returning to one of my first loves in the Healing Arts, as offered within the FLOWER ESSENCES. A personal Healing Journey Inward and study, began 33 years ago, resulting in a lifetime process of active self-awareness, which is required for transformation. To create true health, the Emotional and Spiritual aspects of our beings must be addressed.  Consider returning 2 June's Lesson Dedicated 2 Heart Felt Losses and Huna's assistance... Just Breathe deer hearts... Haaaa....

THINNING OF THE VEIL - "The Reason for this Season", has been expressed throughout Antiquities need 2 Honor Those Who Have Come Before. A moment of pause 2 Honor your Ancestors and in doing sow releasing the past thru Acceptance and Forgiveness. IN TCM this is the Lung Season and it's expression is Grief.  We must welcome the dark as a place of stability and reflection of what was + what is. This CLEARING, releases our emotional pain bodies in order to empty our temples. Sow we may learn from Jack O Lantern's One man story of Morality and it's Life Lesson of Being in Service, shinning the Light Om on... 0;-) cas