Friday, May 25, 2012


*Babies Breath~Breaths are drawn deep enough to see the belly rise and fall As If the ocean in it's natural rhythm of EBB+FLOW!  Breaths begin and end through the nose, sounding like the ocean at the back of the throat. The exhalation should be as long as the inhale,  focusing on drawing the belly button toward the spine at the bottom of the breath.  Feelings, emotions and fears can be dissolved, released and Healed with w/ each breath's intention of LETTING GO. Allowing each breath to bring you deeper and deeper into a sense of stillness, CENTERED and in the Presence of Present Moment.  Lengthen the little pause after inhaling and exhaling by a few seconds.  The most important aspect of inner power resides and therefore is developed during the PAUSES of breath - on every level of our experiences!!!

 *Chi & Chakras  - The Chakra system, aligned with the spine, can open and connect the seven chakras, (and beyond) or "wheels of light", to meditation's sacred practice. Concentration on the solar plexus, located 1-2  inches above navel, is where our sense of power comes from. This 3rd Chakra, is the area that houses the bodies Chi, or our center of gravity for all actions, intuitive, and deep awareness not to mention the bodies Solar Energy.  We must retrain our selves, re-educate our muscles to master this most FUNDAMENTAL Function of Breathing, for Well Being.  With every breath, energy is transmuted into each cell, helping emotions to be released or stored. BREATH is the fastest way into the Portal of the PRESENT MOMENT,  awareness of the HERE AND NOW, and most effective way of alignment and connection to the energy flows of our cosmos and lives. 24/7
HU<3 cas

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