Thursday, November 22, 2012

11.22.12 Gratitude Parent of All Virtues

The ELEVENTH GATE of 11:11, is being Activated, marking the final 21st year journey towards this Doorway, this Blessed  Thanksgiving  Day! May we all Embody this moment's ENDINGS, AS our new BEGINNINGS SEES the "SPIRAL COME FULL CIRCLE AGAIN"

AS IF Earth's Children deserved more Grace, Aforementioned GATEWAY is delivered in a Powerful ECLIPSE PORTAL, as of 11.13.12 and it's New Moon ~ Solar Eclipse!  Ushering in Scorpio's opportunity for next three years; to keep a 'ZEN like Focus, on what lies beneath our SHADOWY DEPTHS! Allowing us 2 DEAL sow that we may HEAL, whatever lies beneath our VEILS.
 o sow mysterious
 ALL this on the HEALS of ALGOL, VENUS + the Black Moon Lilith!! OH MY!! serving the big Reveal of 11.28th's FULL MOON.  As the FINGER OF GOD/ESS ~YOD ~ points to SOW many HARMONIOUSLY aligned Planets, AS IF to give Us the Cosmo's Highest Heart for supporting Breakdown/Breakthrough~ Death/ReBirth ~ Endings/Beginnings as she sheds her ILLUMINATING LIGHT ~ POINTING THE WAY!!!  IN THIS GIFT OF SHIFT ~ Resolving + Dissolving  the barriers, obstacles and Limitation placed upon Our Highest Truest Nature

Many revere the true nature of the Mayan Calendar as a Sacred System, mirroring the relationship between the evolution of human consciousness and Creation itself.  This is a Celebration, of an Alchemical Spirituality, a new beginning, wherein mankind is AWAKENING out of our Duality Dream State of Separateness + Fear + back into the Collective Christ Consciousness of Returning 2 Who We Really Are,  Blessed Love ~ Under the Law of One.

"GRATITUDE is not only the greatest of Virtues, but the Parent of all the others." ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero 
"No MetaPhysician ever felt the deficiency of language so much as the grateful."~ Charles Caleb Colton
 = LOVE <3 cas

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