Saturday, July 23, 2016

Journey and the Dalai Lama

Journey The Daily Post Prompt for 7/13/2016

In Dalai Lama's 10 life changing lessons, his fourth suggestion is:
"Once a year go someplace you have never been before."

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An excerpt from Mooning the Moon written by Simply Cathryn, found in Finding the Alchemist within ~ Turning Yourself to Gold, agrees. In the chapter addressing the needs of the root chakra also known as the base or fortress chakra our life's ability to survive and thrive must be addressed.


 "As the spirit of the root chakra is survival, be bold and allow a new would venture to unfold. Going outside of our comfort zone builds confidence and comfortableness with the unknown.  Adventures and journeys also provide a newness that serves to awaken all of the senses while grounding you in the "ISNESS" of what it is."

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Taking a journey and traveling reawakens a child like curiosity as you discover new smells, tastes, sights, and sounds. Unfamiliar places, ground you in the moment, bringing a Zen like attention to affairs that can ignite a new flair.

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A new journey of discovery helps to reconnect and awaken all of our senses as we experience new places and people. Traveling also broadens our understanding. When we engage in personal pilgrimages, we naturally move toward a deeper sense of connection to our place in this time and space.

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A journey can reawaken the child like playful awareness and attention faster than any other activity for it takes us out of our comfort zone and sharpens our senses. A personal journey also broadens our view point, while building personal power in our ability to survive and thrive.


The experiences of new lands, people and their customs also to remind us of our connection to All that Is, All that was, and All that can be. This connection nourishes one of the ancient Toltec's 4 agreements to live by. One of those agreements is the lesson that it is far more important to be Understanding than Understood!
-"Simply Cathryn"

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