Tuesday, August 8, 2023

8.8 Lion’s Gate Heavenly Alignments Moon Blue Moon

Looking Up~ Heavenly Alignments. A Read for a cup of Tea type of Moment of pause! The Lion’s  Gate, today 8.8.2023 is a heavenly alignment. With Solar trips around the sun,  life usually finds me writing an inspiration brought to you by our heavenly bodies! 

But alas as I try to catch my breath ~ 2020 and beyond has sadly, put a new spin on one of my favorite quotes “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” 

Breathless the Bible comes to mind instead of my usual go to writings such as A Course In Miracles or my Bible of Life, The Tao Te Ching! Though today it’s Hebrews 11:1 
I turn to.  “Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.” 

August 8th’s portal known as the Lion’s Gate may not be visible but rest assure it is here! Divine Providence may not seem tangible but rest assure; the weight of Truth is being directed and protected! Sow ‘Keep Calm and Carry on” and on and Om. “Shoulder to the wheel.” 

In my work, writings and teachings,  I rely heavily upon lion-hearted Courage! At the core of an unfettered, unstuck heart ~ purity and Courage must remain at the heart of the matter! These unprecedented dark times takes nothing less than lion-hearted courage; which takes a toll! We must protect our light-hearted buoyancy in order to survive and still thrive!  

8/8’s Lion’s Gate today is 

brought to you by a heavenly sacred alignment! This portal is part of creation just as we are! Know this, Trust this and Believe this! The I Am that I Am! Time to reconnect to the generosity of  creation. It is High Time to protect our Buoyancy and realign our highest intentions!  We must remain vigilant in order to safe guard against an eclipse of the heart easily brought to you by the “narrative” of these dark unprecedented times! 

Today, as the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orion's Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza. on Earth, Sirius the brightest star we can see is now closer to Earth. The star Sirius is 2X the size of our Sun! Which is why Lion’s Gate provides a portal to tap into as a powerful source of spiritual light. Think of the sun’s life giving properties supporting, energizing, bathing and clearing you and yours! 

Just as the heavenly body is part of creation sow are weee. This is my religion. Earth is my Church! The Law of Love is my creed! The Lion’s Gate Portal allows us to boldly and optimistically open new doors of opportunity. In love’s light with “Harm to None” it is a good time to manifest your dream life. In ancient Egypt the rising of Sirius would flood the fertile Nile! This time of the year was seen as a thyme to harvest and reap what ye sow! 

The Lion’s Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy that flows between the physical and spiritual realms. As veils on this plane are lifting may the Age of Aquarius finally reign! May Lion Hearted Courage led our way! This astrological gateway has roots in ancient Egypt and for thousands of years has been observed as a time full of an influx and activation energies. 

It’s all about your imagination and intentions; your heart of heart’s desires! Tap into a profound portal connecting as an “As Above Sow Below” moment!  Despite what the world’s actions and narrative “seems” to be; its Time to realign ~ staying True to our 

             πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™ True North πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ